Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 10/3/12

Amended and Approved on 10/17/12

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser, Chair

Anne Bingham

Rob Maidman, Clerk

Pat Pannone

David Milowe, Vice Chair  - absent

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer


Other Attendees

Michael Viano

Gino Chitvanni

Bob Pace – Bella Estates

Susan Price


Chair Report

Chair Hauser called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.


Johnson Drive

 Michael Viano representing the landowner of a parcel on Johnson Drive, Mr. Gino Chitvanni, said Mr. Chitvanni wishes to rezone his land, along with an adjacent town owned parcel, and the Mass Highway garage across Rte. 27, from residential to Light Industrial. They also presented an article to abandon the layout of the town ways along certain portions of the High Plain Street and Johnson Drive.


Also, Michael Viano representing Carroll Advertising said the third article is to modify the Sharon sign by-laws to allow billboards and pylon signs in the Light Industrial zone west of I-95.  The land must be zoned commercial to meet the state standards for bill boards.


He reviewed the locations for the articles on a map he presented. He said if the Town allows the bill boards then Carroll Advertising wants to erect the signs. The host community is paid an annual fee and revenue amounting to $25K – $40K per year.


Chair Hauser recommended that Mr. Viano create a simple PowerPoint to make his presentation more understanding for Town Meeting.


The first article came before town meeting in 2008 but was rejected. The tenant that caused the article to fail has been foreclosed on so they are re-presenting the article.


A discussion ensued about setback and allowed content in context of proposed adult use district so both Mr. Hauser and Ms. Bingham suggested that the sign by-law request be delayed until the spring.

Mr. Maidman said he is concerned with the signage. He asked if it is going to be a fixed image or electronic. Mr. Viano said that would be up to the sign committee.


Mr. Maidman said he is also concerned with the line of sight. Mr. Viano commented that the Town is in control of that.


Mr. Viano said they want to go through with all of the articles but will separate the sign by-law from the other two articles. .


Mr. O’Cain said that the first article relates to old business from the 1960’s. The county has abandoned it before. It can go to the Town or to Mr. Chitvanni. Their idea is also to declare the land as surplus. Mr. Chitvanni wants to have 1.5 acres in total, to develop.


Mr. Pannone questioned how the town makes money.  Mr. O’Cain said that the town sells the property. The Town can allow the sign if permitted, the town makes money from the sign and from the easement.


Mr. Hauser asked Mr. Viano what he is looking for from the Planning Board. Mr. Viano said he is looking for the Board’s support and comments.


Mr. O’Cain commented that the discontinuance article makes sense and the rezoning article may work but he is concerned with the pylon signs and bill boards. He said he wants to know the minimum lot size for the signs.


Mr. Hauser suggested they hire a consultant.


Ms. Bingham asked if their interest in these articles is to make money from the signs or do they intend to build.


Mr. Viano said they want to build a building in this commercial zone. This will generate tax revenue for Sharon. He said Patriots Place is down the road so the signs will generate money. It is in a good location.


Mr. O’Cain said that usually the Zoning Board in the past has approved signs on the outskirts of town.


Post Office Square Guidelines

Ms. Price presented two articles to the Board. The first refers to Post Office Square guidelines and the article was written to address inconsistencies in the Zoning Bylaws.


The second article is a change of special granting authority in business A and C from the Zoning Board of Appeals to the Planning Board. She said that this came up from dealing with the Finance Committee issues. This change would allow the Planning Board to have site plan approval in PO Square District A and C.


Mr. O’Cain said he will send these articles to John Lee of the ZBA. A discussion ensued.


Ms. Bingham, Mr. Maidman and Mr. Pannone agreed that these articles make sense.


Subdivision Regulations

Ms. Price asked the status of the subdivision regulations. Mr. O’Cain commented that they are with Tom Houston.


Bella Estates

Mr. O’Cain said that on 9/6 he sent out a punch list of issues to be completed by Bella Estates. Mr. O’Cain provided a list of the 10 issues. Mr. Bob Pace representing Bella Estates came before the board to discuss the open issues.


Specifically it was noted that the item #7 is referring to light installation, Mr., O’Cain said they have until 8/13 to complete.


#9 refers to a waste dumpster left by the previous owner. Mr. O’Cain will request the Board of Health to write a letter regarding this and then the current owners can have it removed.


The remainder of the items are complete.


The owner of 31 Bella came to the Board and said that he has water in his basement and wants his land re-graded. The house was bought from Mr. Intoccia. Mr. O’Cain said he has not gotten a response yet from Town Counsel as to whether 155-157 is responsible for Intoccia lots.  Both Mr. Pace and Mr. O’Cain will meet with the homeowner to determine responsibility.


Mr. Pace said he has set up a meeting with the homeowners to review their responsibility around the homeowner’s agreement.


Chair Report

Mr. Hauser read the Chairs report.


Capital Outlay Member

Ms. Bingham moved to approve Alan Robbins as Planning Board representative to the Capital Outlay Committee. Mr. Pannone seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.





Mr. Maidman moved to accept the 9/12/12 minutes as written. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Board voted 1-0-3 in favor of approval.



Ms. Bingham moved to adjourn at 9:00 PM. Mr. Maidman seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 to adjourn.



1.10/3/12 memorandum from Lisa Whelan regarding the Sharon Special Town Meeting 2012

2. 9/6 email from Peter O’Cain to Robert Pace regarding Bella Estates